FIRST Lego League Challenge

2016 – “Animal Allies”

The 2016 First Lego League (FLL) challenge, “Animal Allies”, was based around improving the relationship between humans and other animal species. In FLL teams make robots out of Lego to autonomously complete challenges on a 1.2 by 2.4 metre challenge table

In 2016, the RoboRoos again competed at the regional competition in Adelaide and were thrilled to receive the Champions Award for SA, which recognises the best team at the competition. This meant that they were to once again invited to compete at the nationals in Sydney. In Sydney, the RoboRoos received the programming award and were chosen as one of two teams to attend the FIRST World Championships in Houston, Texas!

Houston was an exciting experience for our young team who spent time immersing themselves in different cultures and competing against the best teams in the World. The team were also pleasantly surprised to receive third place for their presentation on training free range chickens to maximise time spent outdoors.

Some of the best experiences at the Championships included having the chance to perform our presentation for all of the other competing teams and going to spectate and support the RoboRoos FRC team who also attended the Championship.

2015 – “Trash Trek”

The 2015 challenge, “Trash Trek”, was based around recycling, following the theme set by the earlier FIRST Robotics Competition challenge. The RoboRoos took part once more, competing in the regional competition and picking up the award for the best presentation. This took them to the nationals in Sydney, where once again the team took their robot (the “Tiny Round Unicorn”) to compete against the best in Australia. There they picked up the Gracious Professionalism award and were one of ten teams chosen to compete in the worlds.

Unfortunately, timetabling schedules meant that we had to end our campaign in Sydney, but being selected was a wonderful reward for all the work that the students and mentors and put into the competition.

fll team 2016

2014 – “First Class”

The 2014 challenge, “First Class”, incorporated elements from science, design and learning. The RoboRoos FLL team competed in November, 2014 at the South Australian tournament, along with almost 30 other teams. They successfully achieved the ‘Gracious Professionalism’ award and qualified to go to the nationals in Sydney in December, 2014.

The team showed excellent team spirit when they arrived in Sydney, discovering the robot’s attachments had been left behind in Adelaide and got together madly remaking Lego parts on the eve of the competition. They once again excelled, receiving the Judges award for ‘Creative Thinking’.