Robots take over the school

Sarah Spencer, Leader Messenger, 17 August 2016. p8.

Drones, droids and robots are taking over Banksia Park International High School this week. Read more.

Access your inner mad scientist

David Penrose, Portside Messenger, 10 August 2016. p8.

Budding scientists or just the plain curious will be able to learn the basics of robot building this National Science Week. Wingfield’s Student Robotics Club of SA will host an open day this Saturday as part of the event, showcasing the club’s former competition robots. Read more.

Robotic creations empower designer teens

Brett Williamson, 891 ABC Adelaide, 27 August 2014.

A group of Adelaide students are mixing it with the world’s best in the ever-changing fields of robotics and technology, and they are currently searching for the next generation of recruits. Read more.